9 Best Apps to Have On Your Mobile Phone

What is the most important thing in your life? Is it your car? Your house? Your job? Maybe even a person who you love very much? Well, obviously, these are all very good things to have. But what about technology that can easily fit into your pocket or handbag and does something extremely cool that makes our lives easier on a daily basis? That, my friend, is something that you should have.  Below are some amazing apps to consider installing on your phone:

List of top 9 Best Apps to Have On Your Mobile Phone

1. Kobo

Many book lovers would go out of their way to try and get the best deal on a new book. Sometimes they will resort to borrowing it from friends or searching all around town for that perfect price, just so they can have it right away. Since Kobo knows this, they created an app where you can download hundreds of thousands of books for a low price, and have them ready to read whenever you feel like it. 

2. Dropbox

This app is amazing because it enables users to store all of their photos, files, videos, and more on their device but not take up any space on their device. Users feel comfortable knowing that they can store things here for future use or to share with others, which increases their productivity tenfold.

3. Evernote

If you are someone who is always trying to come up with new ideas for novels, movies, video games, etc., this app will be your best friend. You can type, draw, and take pictures of everything you need all in one place and the app will even organize it for you. 

When you need a worthwhile gaming experience that can earn you real cash, you should consider playing at a reputable Indian casino site.

4. Skype

Skype is important to have because it allows users to chat with friends and family who might not be in their area or possibly living in another country entirely. It is also good for business purposes or even just to have with you in case of an emergency.

5. Ebates

This app is great because it allows users to save money on things they are already buying online, simply by using their phone when they are making the purchase. It is free and easy to use, so there really isn’t any reason not to have it on your device.

6. Google Maps

If you are someone who is always trying to find new places or navigate around in a foreign city, this is the perfect app for you. It allows users to type in an address and get turn-by-turn navigation all at their fingertips. 

7. Yelp

It’s always a good idea to take note of local events and restaurants before you go out, just in case you want to plan something different than your daily routine. This app allows you to do that and even provides reviews from other users so that you can make the best decision about where you want to go. 

8. Facebook

Facebook is a great place to connect with friends and family, which is why it should definitely be on your phone. You can post pictures or videos of things you are doing, ask for advice from the community, and even get funny memes and quotes about life. 

9. Stack Exchange

If you love talking about your favorite games or shows and want to become an expert on something at the same time, this app is perfect for you. It allows users to spend their time answering questions rather than wasting it doing things around the house because now you can do both!

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, these are the best apps to have on your mobile phone. What a great list of helpful and fun-to-use software! Hopefully, you will find something new that interests you for this article. If so, make sure to download it as soon as possible today! Thanks for reading!

Author Profile

Ranjesh Gupta
Ranjesh Gupta a dedicated and talented writer started content writing in 2017 and founder of Fantasybuzz youtube and website founder. With over 8+ years of professional experience in writing articles, sports, gaming apps, money earning apps, Tech article writing, and website content for SEO, she is now writing content for affiliate marketing. He will analyze the current trends and write content accordingly.