Full form of MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, B. Sc. Nursing and other allied courses

Full Form of MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, B. Sc. Nursing and other allied courses

The field of medicine is indeed miraculous as well as tricky. Miraculous because here a small pill can cure serious diseases and tricky because, we all know, not everybody’s cup of tea. Not many of us have the confidence of saying that we know the full form of MBBS, BUMS, BAMS, BNYS, in medical etc.

Such are the abbreviations and their full forms in the medical dictionary that we find ourselves in a tough spot while understanding them. One reason why we are not much known to these abbreviations and their full forms is that we do not find all of them compiled in a single article and easily accessible to us.

Candidates who feel affected by the aforementioned unavailability have the opportunity to overcome this deficiency right here. The article below will help candidates with MBBS full form and full form of BDS, BAMS, BUMS, BHMS full form and other allied sciences. Bookmark the link of this article as at any point when you wish to come back to these for a revision they will be under the scope of your search.

Full form of MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, B. Sc. Nursing and other allied courses

MBBS full formBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
BHMS full formBachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
BAMS full formBachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery
B. Sc. NursingBachelor of Science in Nursing
Full form of BUMS in medicalBachelor in Unani Medicine and Surgery

Mbbs Full Form

The Full Form of MBBS in English is Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. The short form is coined from the Latin Medicinae Baccalaureus Baccalaureus Chirurgiae. If you are aspiring to step into the world of health science, then MBBS is your first step. If you finish MBBS and grab hold of an MBBS certificate you become a practicing medical professional.

This is an undergraduate medical degree that runs for 5 years. In addition to the 5 years, a one year internship is also added to the course’s life span. As the Full Form of MBBS suggests, this degree comes combined with a set of degrees in medicine and surgery. Further specifications can be opted if you wish to take your studies further higher.

Full form of BDS

The full form of BDS is a Bachelor of Dental Surgery . BDS is India’s only authorized and recognized highly qualified dental course. It is a Five-year undergraduate education that empowers students to enter the noble profession of dental science and surgery.

BDS is a mandatory undergraduate dental course for students wishing to become a qualified dentist in any government hospital, college or private sector. It is among the most popular courses after the MBBS course pursued by Biology students.

During the BDS course, one year of a paid internship, which is mandatory and is a part of the rotating curriculum, allows students to consider 2-3 rotations in different departments. Students study subjects including Dental Histology, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology, Public Health Dentistry, and Emergency Medicine, etc. They are also gaining skills and education in dental practice.

BHMS full form

The full form of BHMS is Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. BHMS is an academic undergraduate degree course that covers homoeopathic system medical knowledge. The curriculum has a period of five and a half years which involves four and half years of research followed by one year of internship. In the homoeopathic system, the undergraduate curriculum can also be pursued through the distance educational process. A graduate is qualified to become a doctor in the homoeopathic field of medicine after completing a BHMS degree.

Full form of BUMS in medical

Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS) is an undergraduate degree course in Unani Medicine and Surgery.

BAMS full form

BAMS full form is Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. BAMS is an undergraduate degree programme that is designed to make students familiar with the concepts of Ayurveda and use them for the treatment of patients. BAMS incorporates Ayurveda with the concepts of modern medicines and students are taught a combination of both as part of the course curriculum.
Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of medicine and traces its roots to Vedic times. It is based on the curative properties of herbs and its medicines are known for the natural elements that they contain.

Full form of B.Pth or BPT

Bachelor of Physiotherapy or BPT is a 4-year undergraduate program which deals with the science of physical movement. The course also highlights the importance of six months of mandatory clinical internship.

Full Form of B.VSc

Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & AH) degree falls within the Veterinary Education part of Medical Education in India, and is therefore monitored by the Veterinary Council of India. This programme focuses primarily on veterinary anatomy, veterinary physiology and biochemistry, and livestock production and management. The length of this course is about five years, including six months for a mandatory internship. The cost varies based on the institution.

Full Form of BNYS

Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences (BNYS) provides basic education in the integrated system of modern medicine and traditional Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences. It prepares students of profound scholarship in the science of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences having basic and fundamental knowledge in different subjects of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences backed up by extensive practical training.

Full Form of BSMS

B.S.M.S. (Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery) is an undergraduate program in Siddha System of Medicine, which is the most ancient among the AYUSH (Ayurvedha, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) systems. According to Siddha philosophy, the psychological and physiological functions of human body are controlled by SEVEN elements – saram (plasma), cheneer (blood), ooun (muscle), kozhuppu (fat), elumbu (bone), moolai (nerve) and inthiriyam (semen). These seven elements are activated by three Mukkuttram – vatha (air), pitha (fire or heat or energy) and kapha (water). The imbalance of any of these Mukkuttram results in disease and Siddha System of Medicine corrects the vitiated Mukkuttram for healthy life.

Full Form of B. Sc. Nursing – Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Full Form of B. Sc. Microbiology – Bachelor of Science in Microbiology

Full Form of B. Sc. Biotechnology – Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology

Full Form of GNM – General Nursing and Midwifery

Full Form of ANM – Auxiliary nurse-midwife

Full Form of OTT – Operation Theater Technician

Full Form of B.Pharm – Bachelor of Pharmacy

Full Form of Pharm D – Doctor of Pharmacy

Full Form of BSc MLT – Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology

Full Form of BSc MRT – Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiologic Technology

Full Form of BSc AT – Bachelor of Science in Anaesthesia Technology

Full Form of BSc CPT – Bachelor of Science in Cardiac Perfusion Technology

Full Form of BSc CVT – Bachelor of Science in Cardiovascular Technology

Full Form of BSc DIT – Bachelor of Science in Dialysis Therapy

Full Form of BSc DBS – Bachelor of Science in Diabetes Sciences

Full Form of BSc ECT – Bachelor of Science in Echocardiography Technology

Full Form of BSc NEP – Bachelor of Science in Neuro Electro Physiology

Full Form of BSc PA – Bachelor of Science in Physician Assistant

Full Form of BSc Respiratory Therapy – Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy

Full Form of BSc OPT – Bachelor of Science in Optometry

Full Form of BSc EMT – Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Technology

Full Form of BASLP – Bachelor of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology

Full Form of BOT – Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Full Form of B.V.Sc. & AH – Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry

Full Form of BSc Biotech – Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology

Full Form of B.Tech Biomedical Engineering – Bachelor of Technology in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology (Non-Clinical)
Bachelor of Science in Cardiac or Cardiovascular Technology

Full Form of B. Sc. in Respiratory Therapy – Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy

Full Form of BA in Psychology – Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

With the MBBS full form and full form of others such as BDS, BAMS, B. Sc. Nursing and other allied courses given above we hope that candidates become more informed. Next time when they come across these abbreviations they can boast about the knowledge they have.

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Karan Singh
Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger and i live in Delhi. It's almost 5+ years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the Dailylist.in. My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.

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