We have explained 10 Tips to make money with your website or blog for make money online but we have restricted warning to you these aren’t ‘a “Magic” and Get rich quick’ schemes. If you are looking quick reach plan, so it is not a right place for making money online.
Don’t treat as another article Make Money online. So we don’t dream Hi-Fi, like expensive car, bungalow, luxurious accessories etc. if you pay any Magical Training and Course you will waste your money and time also.
Here are step by step guide on how you can monetize and customize your WordPress website or blog for generating Income. This is a part-time work and resource for income and totally dependent on your hard work and luck.
How to make money online “effectual” way by using WordPress website and blogging.
Before we are going to explain 10 Tips to monetize your website or blog for make money online At least, you should be able your basic expenses for a domain, hosting and most important Time, to get started. We have again told you this is a part-time work and resource for income and totally dependent on your hard work and luck.
I hope you create a website that you plan to monetize your website. If you cannot create a web site follow my article how to register our website in minimum cost and my another article How to start a blog step by step guide for young or 60 Years Old.
10 Most Popular Tips to Monetize Your WordPress Website/blog
- #1. Google AdSense on your wordPress website
- #2. Make Money by Affiliate Marketing
- #3. Selling ad space on your wordPress Website /blog
- #4. Make money from Freelancing
- #5. Start an online coaching class
- #6. Selling Online Course on your WordPress Website
- #7. Built an Ecommerce website site
- #8. Make a Food or Fashion Blog
- #9. Make Money by Using In Text Ads
- #10. Sell Ebooks on your website
1. Google AdSense on your WordPress website
Google AdSense is perfect source and easy way to make money from your website /blog.
Once you sign up, Google will provide a place simple script codes for your website that will goggle identify the content of your site and start displaying ads as per your content, so easly monetize your website/blog. If your site is about food Recipe Google AdSense will start showing the related Ads.
Google paid handsome amount every click on the Ad. So it’s very simple and easy way to make money online.
But Google AdSense approval is not an easy task. Your post presentation and good content is important for Google AdSense approval and also be careful your article is not copy from any other website ,your content is unique and easy readable if more details about.
How can apply for Google AdSense :- Google AdSense provides approx. $0.50 to $6 per click. If your site has high traffic, you can make handsome $Amount in each month.
2. Make Money by Affiliate Marketing
We have describe very simple language “Affiliate marketing is the process of earning when you recommend a product or service to your readers using affiliate links, and then get a commission”
A Very good example of affiliate marketing if you motivate to your best friend about Health Insurance Policy by ICICI and your friend get this policy, then Insurance companies provide some rewards for you.
If you’re interested start finding a product you promote or recommended on your website. I think you are understood which type of product required by your readers. If product as per your readers they will click on your affiliate link, purchasing the product and get the commission.So you can apply or monetize your website or blog.
You can Join affiliate program to promote a products?
You can find a huge products catalogue to promote
- Amazon
- Flipkart
- Clickbank
- ShareASale
If you know commission may be approx. from 10% to 50% vary as per product and services.
So search good product and service to serve to your reader then WIN WIN Situation.
3. Selling ad space on your wordPress Website /blog
If your blog have good traffic then another good common method to monetize your website site, selling ad space on your blog. Simply you provide a space in your blog for advertiser. Selling banner ad You can come up with a price for each space, for example: “Header, footer and Sidebar” is a best place for ad So you can sell as per advertiser .Advertisement BusinessBanner ads will cost $xxxx per month So your content is good and enough traffic you will defiantly catch one a handsome income. If you compare from AdSense you will observe your income higher than AdSense.
4. Make money from Freelancing
Most blogger start a blog with an acquire skill on your niche. So you can start earning an income by offering your skills and expertise as a freelancer and make money.Freelancing is a popular place to make money online because presents your skill at your blog banner area. You can provide offering your services for your current audience or users. These skills can directly relate to online income Once you start freelancing, you have required a invoice and collect payments from your clients. We recommend using invoicing plugins for WordPress.If you’re work with other freelancing companies like Fiverr ,Up work , People Per Hour etc. you can sign up with your skill like you are expert in Content writing ,web design ,SEO Photo graphic and many other fields then you can accept work directly through your blog, if you’re just getting started.
5. Start an online coaching class
Most of us have unique skills and expert in there field so you can provide step by step guide for your customer with coaching session. So you can setup a booking form because classes are an easy way to run and help others and generate recurring income at the same time. So you can build for reader can schedule coaching sessions form in your WordPress Blog.
6. Selling Online Course on your WordPress Website
If you plan to sell an online course is another great decision to make money online.
You’ have require to create a blue print for your course like how much session , hours /day etc. and also any supporting materials that you want to required such as downloads option, slides view, banner view checklists, templates, etc.
Once your course is ready, you can use a learning management system (LMS) plugin to deliver the course to your audience. We are also recommended monetize your website or blog with this features .We are also recommended MemberPress with LearnDash pluging use for Online Course on your WordPress Website.
7. Built an E commerce website with Woo Commerce
e-commerce-SetupIF you have an idea about which product demand and sell OnlineWord Press makes it easy to create an online shop to your existing website using the free Woo Commerce plugin. Woo Commerce Websites have not to be only content. If Start an online store can be a lot of work, it means you need to create or buy the products option and then ship option also.There are very true thousands of eCommerce websites online stores run that time .So make sure you have an idea for your own product, with a detailed strategy and latest marketing techniques to stand out from the crowd.
8. Make a Food or Fashion Blog
This is unique and latest trends” Food and Fashion blogs” Both are a Profitable blogging category and a great online business opportunity. If you have any one category has good knowledge and passionate then go and start work. You are use a lot techniques to gain revenue through selling a product online & offline You are also earn handsome revenue from Google AdSense, affiliate marketing,
9. Make Money by Using In Text Ads
Make money by using a Text Ads on you blog or website. Text link ads are still in good source of income generation program.
Info links are providing this type of advertisement that is very easy to setup in your blog if you are use this services you can generate good income also Info Link It’s a great alternative program against Google AdSense advertisements, But please keep in mind that these disobey Google’s Terms & Condition.
10. Buy and Sell Domain Names
This is unique and latest technique for generate good revenue. You are make a website Domain names are required 100% without domain name you are not make any website, so you required domain name so ready my article How to register domain name after that , you are authorized to use it. Many blogger register domain names and sell them with higher price because
This online business requires investment and a wait or patience because you will be holding onto those domain names while waiting for a higher offer..
Author Profile
- Ranjesh Gupta a dedicated and talented writer started content writing in 2017 and founder of Fantasybuzz youtube and website founder. With over 8+ years of professional experience in writing articles, sports, gaming apps, money earning apps, Tech article writing, and website content for SEO, she is now writing content for affiliate marketing. He will analyze the current trends and write content accordingly.
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