Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Artificial Intelligence Platform for Your Business
Artificial Intelligence is driving digital transformation across industries and has become a valuable asset for companies. It provides a lot of benefits in every facet of the business be it product development, market research, customer experience, resource management, and more. Businesses are looking for robust artificial intelligence platform that will help them implement AI in their business processes and leverage its benefits.
AI enables the availability of datasets that provide great insight into business operations. This data can then be analyzed to create marketing strategies, improve products, solve customer queries, and increase revenue. While the benefits of implementing AI are evident, choosing the right software or platform plays a major role in achieving those benefits. There are a number of checkboxes that businesses should consider, but first, let’s talk about what is an AI platform?
Defining the Artificial Intelligence Platform
An AI platform is a framework that allows AI engineers and data scientists to function more efficiently. It could mean anything from best practices to implement AI solutions, robust APIs for image, speech or language recognition, to a software package containing pre-built AI and ML models. The platform helps businesses solve complex problems and minimize costs. It can automate mundane manual tasks, distribute work more evenly, prevent duplication of efforts, eliminating expensive activities, and reduce human errors. Using an appropriate platform can prove highly beneficial for the organization.
Tips for Choosing the Best Artificial Intelligence Platform
There are certain questions that an organization should ask itself before committing to an AI platform. Several vendors are providing their platform and choosing one over the other could be a difficult decision.
Identify Business Goals
It is vital to understand what you want from your AI platform. Some AI applications can be implemented within a few days while some could take years. It is important to identify realistic business goals and then find solutions that will help achieve those goals. For instance, if your short-term goal is to enhance customer experience then investing in a platform that has product deployment features, although useful, can be a bad investment.
Preferred Solution Strategy
Some platforms provide solutions for every business aspect while there are platforms that are dedicated towards a certain business function like customer satisfaction, marketing or more. Deciding what strategy your business requires can be an important factor in choosing the preferred platform. Sometimes having a hybrid approach could provide better results as you’ll have different experts working on their respective domains.
There is also the option of on-cloud or on-premise platforms that can be advantageous depending on the business requirements. Both have different pricing structures, working models, and can help businesses in different ways.
Proven Track Record
Investing in anything can be a scary prospect, especially if you are not a subject-matter expert. This is where a proven track record for the potential AI platform comes into play. Knowing which other customers trusted their AI transformation process on the platform provides an insight into the platform’s competency and expertise. A lot of organizations have little to no knowledge of AI and its technologies, making it all the more important to work with a trusted and competent partner.
Easily Customizable
Just because you are using a third-party platform doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have any control over the solution or implementation. What if you want to integrate an internal service with the platform but it isn’t possible? Or if you want to delete a few functionalities as you don’t need them anymore? Platforms that are easily customizable and give you the power to change or make adjustments are better for the long run. They also provide cost control by allowing you to make the changes yourself, whenever necessary.
Extended Support
One of the most important things to check before deciding on a platform is the level of support provided by the vendor. Nothing can be more annoying than spending hours on hold just to talk to a service representative regarding a minor issue. It takes away valuable time and could also turn out to be an unfruitful process. Make sure that you are promised an excellent support staff that will be available anytime you have a question or face some issue.
It is no mystery what Artificial Intelligence can bring into the fold for a company and why it is all the more necessary to choose a competent Artificial Intelligence platform for your business. There are several options available in the market. Organizations can opt for a dedicated platform, a mix of different platforms making a hybrid, open-source platform to dabble on your own, free trials to gauge the capabilities of the platform, and much more.
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Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger and i live in Delhi. It's almost 5+ years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.
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