7 Apps To Help Boost Your Productivity And Focus
Nowadays we get so many disruptive changes in life which consume our valuable time and prevent us from getting things done! We are forced to learn and react in an entirely different way because those changes will always demand more of our attention and focus.
The decision on how to optimize the focus of the important work while enjoying our best hobbies such as movies, music, online casino games and many others in our free time without extra effort. We need to make a decision that will remove the productivity killers altogether.
Many people have identified smartphones as the main culprit for distraction and procrastination. However, our guest technology expert Monin Manne argues that with the right apps, they can be excellent tools to boost your productivity. You can read more from him here, but In this article we will list the best apps for just that.
7 Apps To Help Boost Your Productivity And Focus
#1. Todoist
Todoist is designed with user-friendly features; whereby you can create and access the to-do list folders for individuals/teams and assign them a task, set deadlines and reminders, and add or receive the comments.
Todoist offers a lot of productivity features for free or with a small subscription fee. It is available across various platforms and devices (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Chrome).
#2. Calendar
Despite its ubiquitous name, Calendar is a unique app that connects all your calendars such as Google or Outlook into a single view. It provides typical features that you need to catch up with productivity and focus goals.
Once you are set, you will manage to schedule and handle the meeting, set appointments, provide the analytical reports, and create time slots for the customized events.
#3. Firefox
Every phone comes with a browser – Chrome or others for Android, and Safari for iPhones. However, some users are looking for something faster, lighter and with a bigger focus on privacy. Firefox is a browser that is a good fit for your productivity, with more control of your internet experience than ever while protecting your data and privacy.
It’s one of the most popular browsers in India, partly because of its features, partly because it’s lightweight and supports a wide variety of Samsung, Xiaomi, OnePlus and other devices of various price points.
Firefox is designed with a very strong focus on privacy and data security, making it great for safe online transactions in places such as online casino in India, allowing you to gamble without danger. Its excellent HTML5 support also means that you can enjoy the best casino online india at Plus, it’s also great for getting things done effectively with its great tab switching UI.
#4. Toggl
Toggl is designed to track the amount of time people spend on a given task. It can also help you to find out what individuals are best at and who can give you the best than others under possible pressure. The idea is to compare the time spent with the cost for the entire project or task. It is available for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Chrome, and Firefox.
#5. Pocket
If you are reading news or social media and find a really cool article that you don’t have time to read at the moment, you can send it to Pocket and read it later. The app will turn your saved items into a beautiful magazine, completely preserving their styling and images in the cloud.
#6. Forest
Forest is one of the simplest productivity and focus apps on our list. It helps you to stop spending so much time on your phone or tablet, especially when you want to focus, by shutting down every distraction on your phone for a set timer. Download it for free on App Store or Google Play Store.
#7. Spark
Spark is the best app for e-mail management. It helps you to prioritize emails that matter in your inbox from those that don’t. In addition, the app has multiple distinctive features including chats with team members, and reminders for follow-up. You can do it all without any confusion on Mac, iOS, and Android.
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Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger and i live in Delhi. It's almost 5+ years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the Dailylist.in. My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.
If You have any query then email Us. dailylist88@gmail.com
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