How To Do Epoxy Floors – STEP BY STEP GUIDE
Before getting into the core part of guidance to apply epoxy on a concrete floor, you need to know what Epoxy is. Epoxy is the floor coating process to make the floor shine and silky. They are available in a variety of colors.
You can apply them multiple times on the floor to create a seamless finish. Epoxy is ideal for garages, offices, shops, and basements. Want to know how to apply it on your home floor, let’s learn what is epoxy.
What Is Epoxy?
Epoxy floor paints are a sustainable floor color idea that combines two components before applying them on the floor. Epoxy paint comes in three variants: high solids, solvent-based, and water-based.
These three are different in their application and combination. So, let’s learn the application that you need to know about epoxy flooring for homes.
Step By Step Guide: Applying Epoxy Paint
Here are the five significant steps that help you to get a fine finish floor in your room. A fine finishing floor is enough to make your home decoration unique.
Now, the time is to focus on the floor instead of your fifth floor.
- Clean The Floor
The first and foremost thing is to clean the floor. Before applying any mixture or color on the floor, you need to make sure that floor is clean.
Remove all the dirt, dust, and wax by using a scraper, and stiff bristle brush. Use high power detergent with water to get rid of waxes, grease, and oil. Leave the surface to dry fully.
Rember, don’t do anything that can damage your floor. On this note, we would say that you need to maintain cleanliness on a daily basis. It helps you to stay in a clean and dirt free place. However, concrete is like a sponge that can absorb everything, so it is important to maintain cleanliness.
Mix And Apply Them On The Concrete Floor
After cleaning the concrete floor, now you can go to the next step. The process to apply acid wash to the concrete surface. Now, you may ask why we should use acid. Well, acid helps to open firm bonds to capture new coating.
On this note, while you use muriatic acid on the floor, take all the precautions for safety issues. Here are some tips that you can follow.
- Be sure you have chemical-resistant gloves and eye protection.
- Ensure the surface is wet.
- Take one gallon of water and mix it with 12 ounces of Etch.
- You can use a bristle brush and make sure it stays wet throughout the procedure.
- Ensure that all dust is removed. It is better to apply to a small area instead of trying to do everything at once.
- Take time and allow the floor to fully dry before applying the painting.
Prepare The Area For Painting
What about all the cracks and seals? Before painting the floor, you need to seal all the cracks. Take patching compounds like cement based to seal the holes and cracks. Make sure, the repair will be smooth.
In this case, you can help others to finish the work. Now, your floor is ready for epoxy. First, apply one coat and leave them for a few years to dry fully before applying the second coat. Don’t use an overcoat because it can ruin the entire process.
On this note, we need to warn that many people don’t leave the surface for hours and apply the second coat. As a result, the surface looks bad and has no finish.
See, the purpose of the epoxy is to make the floor shiny finish and smooth. If you ever counter any epoxy floor, you can understand the feature of this color. So, there is no meaning if you lose the actual purpose.
Apply The Epoxy Coating
Well, in this section, we will share a few tips that you need to follow before applying the first coat. Paid the attention here.
- The temperature should be 50℉ or above.
- To get the best result for the monsoon session. You can wait for the dry session. Make sure there is no forecast for rain.
- Purchase a three-eighths-inch nap roller for applying the coat. On the other hand, you can take nylon polyester in this manner.
- Never apply epoxy on a hot surface.
- Leave the surface for a minimum of four hours after applying one coat. We mean to say that between two coats, 4 hours should be within. However, drying time can differ in cool and humid conditions.
After The Floor Is Dry, Coat It Again
Apply the second coat of epoxy to get a uniform finish. On this note, make sure the consistency of the color is the same as the first coat.
You can mix the color once but apply twice on the floor to ensure the consistency of the chemical is the same.
Final Words
So, these are the steps of epoxy floors. Hopefully, these will guide you to get a proper epoxy floor. An epoxy floor is famous worldwide. If you have a garage and open a new office, you can also apply this color on the floor.
Finally, you can visit our website to get more info regarding home decoration. Wall design and more.
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Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger and i live in Delhi. It's almost 5+ years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.
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