8 Best Ways to Get More Followers For Your Instagram Account
Instagram is the key tool for many brands to show their presence in the market, drive traffic to websites, increase sales conversion and build higher engagement with a large user base. With more than one million users monthly, Instagram becomes the competitive place to grow your account with more followers. Use your creative skill with clever ideas to stand out from the crowd and achieve growth in your business by using Instagram.
Many people use some shortcut methods to grow their followers count, but it lasts for only a few days. Grow valuable followers organically with the correct marketing strategy on Instagram with some tricks to engage your audiences. Gaining organic followers to your account will add value to your brand and business.
The below eight ideas will provide you the ways to create organic followers to your Instagram account.
Tip #1: Optimize Your Bio With Compelling Writing
Make the first impression of your profile as the best to viewers by maintaining an exciting profile on your account. Optimize your bio with attractive captions, usernames, and profile pictures to gain more followers to your account. Instagram provides 150 characters to write engaging content on your bio, so make use of it with your creativity.
An attractive and understandable bio grabs the potential followers to your account and gradually increases your audience’s count. Give a clear description about your Instagram account, include a CTA option like shop, read more, etc., with a link where you want your visitors to land and the contact information including your business location to bring trust for your followers.
Tip#2. Schedule Your Post At The Right Time
Post your content at the right time to improve your content visibility and increase your engagement rate among huge audiences. Your followers will view your content only when they are active and help to increase your brand visibility to other users on Instagram. Instagram provides an option to schedule your content after identifying the active time of your audiences.
The easy to identify your audience’s active time on Instagram is through Instagram Insights, an inbuilt tool to identify your audience’s presence on Instagram. But you can use this tool only if your account is a business account. The analytics tool gives you the average active time of your audience, and posting at that particular time will increase your engagement rate.
Tip #3. Provide Consistent Post
Consistency is very important in each and every place, and it plays a vital role in Instagram to create brand trust among your followers. If your posts on Instagram are consistent with engaging content, then there is no doubt in getting more followers to your account. For example, if you focus on growing your followers, then all your posts should have creative content to attract audiences to your account.
The consistent post on your feed proves to the audiences about your brand’s online presence and your efforts to entertain people and may convert them to your potential audiences. You need to post content once in a while to be consistent, but posting at least once or twice a day will be sufficient to create trust among audiences.
Tip #4: Create IGTV Video Series
IGTV (Instagram TV) is an exciting feature to present your content in a long video form of about 15 minutes, and if you are a verified user, you can post your content for an hour (60 seconds). IGTV videos are a great way to bring out your content ideas in a clear and understanding manner to your audiences. Make your content interesting to gain more IGTV likes to promote your video over large audiences and make them your followers easily.
Present your video in a series to create excitement among your followers and make them stay updated on your account for your next video. The content should be engaging and impressive for your audiences to maintain a good relationship, and it creates a way to connect with your followers quickly.
Tip #5: Use Reels Feature
The reels feature on Instagram provides a huge opportunity to succeed in your business and grow your brand with wider audiences. It allows you to make entertaining and engaging videos for about 15 to 30 seconds with a trending soundtrack as the background music. Reels on Instagram are similar to the TikTok application, where you can find trending or popular videos and explore your talents among new audiences.
People watch instagram reels videos to get themselves relaxed with entertaining and funny content. The videos display to all the users on Instagram without the limit, and if it goes trending, then more users will view it and may follow you for other videos.
Tip #6: Engage With Your Audience
Attaining higher engagement on Instagram is a key to grow your account with more followers. Most of them focus on getting likes and comments only for their posts, but this will not help you to maintain a good connection with you and your followers. Respond to all your follower’s comments and start a healthy conversation with them and create a good impact on your followers.
Each comment on your content is a chance to gain a potential follower and give a response by reacting back to them with the answer. Get suggestions or any new ideas for your next post or to give a new update on your business and create higher engagement on your account.
Tip #7: Concentrate While Choosing Hashtags
Compared to other social media networks, the use of hashtags are not as important on Instagram. Search for the relevant hashtags related to your content and use them on your feed while publishing your post. The correct hashtags on Instagram can explore your post to your target audiences on a large scale. Instagram allows you to use 30 hashtags for a single post but using nine to ten hashtags will be sufficient and attractive for audiences to visit your content.
If you can’t find the relevant hashtags, type the keyword on the search bar. Then you will find a list of hashtags with the number of posts using the same hashtags. Pick a relevant one for your content and use the same to get new audiences to your account.
Tip #8. Promote On Other Channels
If you have accounts on other social media networks, then it becomes pretty easy for you to promote your Instagram account and gain more engaging followers. You can’t be sure that all your followers on other social media will be your followers on Instagram. So, make them aware of your Instagram account by promoting your videos on other sites.
Most popular business people and brands use this technique to grow their followers’ count and ensure their presence on all social networks by keeping themselves engaged. Instead of simply asking people to follow you, you can create engaging content, publish it on other social media as a teaser video, and give you an Instagram page to watch the full video and follow you.
Final Thought
Instagram is the right place to gain more followers to your business or brand that has a large user base. More than 90% people on Instagram visit their accounts daily to gain new updates and to search for products to buy. So it becomes easy for you to attract followers to your age with your creativity and use the above tips in an interesting way to grab followers’ attention to your account.
Caterina Taylor is an experienced social media marketer and writer who works at PlanYourGram. She loves to work on content creation for social media blogs and has the potential to deliver engaging content on various platforms and networks.
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