Top 15 Best Shipping Companies in India (Updated List)
India is an energy deficient country. Hence in order to meet its energy demands India has to depend on oil imports.
In order to import oil, India has to have ships which can carry crude oil in heavy quantity. Therefore you need shipping companies which are help to meet this demand.
In fact, not just for crude oil we need shipping companies but they can also export goods to other countries. If the country has some of the best shipping companies in India and world then we could easily expand the economic growth of the country.
In future, a lot of things would depend upon these shipping companies. Therefore, countries like china and Japan are investing in building ships which can carry freight and travel in shorter time.
Therefore, this gives you an overall idea how important shipping companies are for a country.
India has also some of the best companies in the world.
Ranking System: In our every blog post we would like to tell how we rank a company. Here in this particular blog post we had ranked the company on the basis of their total revenue, operations around the world and the total number of employees working for the company.
list of top 15 best shipping companies in India.
1. Shipping Corporation of India | Visit Website |
2. Essar Shipping | Visit Website |
3. Great Eastern Shipping Company | Visit Website |
4. Bharati Shipyard | Visit Website |
5. ABG Shipyard | Visit Website |
6. Mercator Limited | Visit Website |
7. Gujarat Pipavav | Visit Website |
8. Varun Shipping | Visit Website |
9. Global Offshore Services | Visit Website |
10. Shreyas Shipping | Visit Website |
11. Cochin Shipyard Ltd | Visit Website |
12. Dredging Corporation of India | Visit Website |
13. Aban Offshore Limited | Visit Website |
14. Dolphin Offshore Enterprises | Visit Website |
15. Triton Logistics And Maritime | Visit Website |
1. Shipping Corporation of India
One of the oldest shipping companies in India, it was established by the Indian government back in 1961 and is today the topmost name in the industry. The company, under the chairmanship of B K Mandal, is one of the largest generators of foreign exchange in India and a key player in the country’s trade market.
Headquartered in the corporate centre, Madame Cama Road, Mumbai, SCI offers various services such as -Passenger, tanker, liner, and bulk carriers. Moreover, they manage vessels that cater to both national and international lines too.
2. Essar Shipping
The second-largest shipping company in India after the Shipping Corporation is Essar Shipping. The company is a part of the Essar Group and is ISO certified as well as BSE listed. It has made a name for itself as a provider of a number of services, including logistic services. The company is chaired by ShashiRuia.
Being headquartered in Mumbai, the company is a part of the Essar Group. It is a logistic service provider that constantly engages with the businesses of oilfield services and transportation by sea.
Essar provides these services to ESIL (Essar Steel India Limited) and EOL (Essar Oil Limited) which are engaged in manufacturing activities and require services from the company when it comes to finished goods and raw materials.
3. Great Eastern Shipping Company
An ISO 9001:2000 certified company, this one has been in operation since as long as 1948, which makes it one of the oldest and among the best shipping companies in India.
Some of the services provided by the company include transport of solid, liquid and gas products, including crude oil and petroleum goods. The company is headed by KM Seth who serves as its chairman.
Being a leading shipping company, it’s business is separated into two parts- Offshore and Shipping. Whether it is dry bulk commodities or crude oil, all are transported. Moreover, the company also serves oil companies in the production activities and operating offshore exploration.
4. Bharati Shipyard
Involved in the manufacturing of ships and transport of crude oil, this one started operations in 1973, founded by P.C. Kapoor and Vijay Kumar. The company currently operates services in three segments of the shipping business – the building of ships, designing them, and repair of ships.
The company’s headquarters are located in Mumbai and its estimated employee strength is upto 5500. Talking about the turnover of Bharati Shipyard is estimated to be more than 4600 crores. It is no wonder that Bharati Shipyard is the leading shipping company in India.
5. ABG Shipyard
Established in 1985, the company operates under the leadership of Rishi Agarwal, its chairman. ABG Shipyard is a renowned name in the industry for its services that include the construction of several types of vessels, including the ones like support vessels and container ships.
Same as the Bharati Shipyard, ABG focuses on both the design and manufacture of ships that are not involved in transport services. The shipping company has a huge repairing unit located in Goa and its yearly turnover is around 4900 crores.
6. Mercator Limited
Next on our list of top 10 shipping companies in India is Mercator Ltd, founded in 1983 and a part of the Mercator Group. The company has branched out the shipping business into a number of fields such as coal mining, oil and gas, and logistics.
Moreover, the company has ventured into offshore business along with its subsidiaries Mercator Oil & Gas Ltd and Mercator Offshore. Mercator is located in Mumbai and is one of the most popular shipping companies around.
7. Gujarat Pipavav
One of the world’s largest container terminal operators, Gujarat Pipavav has a widespread network spanning more than 50 ports in the entire world. The company has earned repute for providing some of the best high-quality services in the field of cargo handling, logistics support, and towage.
Also with an annual turnover of more than 1500 crores, Gujarat Pipavav is comparatively new in the market and has an estimated work strength of about 5100 employees.
8. Varun Shipping
This one is owned and run privately and boasts of more than 20 vessels, 10 LPG carriers, and 3 crude oil tankers.
The company is led by professional and efficient management that has expertise in a number of domains – technical and commercial operations of the business, finance department, secretarial and legal operations, information technology, and human resources.
9. Global Offshore Services
The company has made quite a name for itself in the Indian shipping industry owing to its large vessel fleet. It also prides in work experience with a number of vessel exploration and production firms such as ONGC, British Petroleum, and Shell.
The founder of the company was Late Padma Bhushan Dr. B D Garware. Services include transport of people and cargo and anchor-handling operations.
10. Shreyas Shipping
Established in 1988 but started operating only by 1994 with a view to filling the gap between domestic and international seaports. The company is engaged in providing feeder, port agency, logistics, and regional services.
Being the best shipping company existing today, it has an estimated work strength of approx 4000 employees. And about the company’s yearly turnover, it is around 190 crores.
11. Cochin Shipyard Ltd
It boasts of being the largest facility in the country for building and maintaining vessel containers. The company belongs to the line of maritime-related facilities in Kochi.
Its services include the provision of tankers, bulk carriers, platform supply vessels, patrol boats, and diving support vessels to the Indian shipping industry. Also counted among the biggest maintenance and shipbuilding facilities in India, it is a part of maritime related facilities in the port city in Kochi.
12. Dredging Corporation of India
Last on our list of top shipping companies in India is DCI. The company is a Miniratna Public Sector Unit (PSU) engaged in dredging for Indian seaports exclusively. However, the company does dredge at international seaports too, though occasionally.
These include countries the ports at Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Dubai. With its headquarters in Vishakhapatnam, the company is involved in maintenance dredging, capital dredging, land reclamation, and beach nourishment activit
13. Aban Offshore Limited
This was earlier known as Aban Loyd Chiles Offshore Ltd. This group is the biggest offshore drilling service provider to oil companies. It mainly caters to ONGC. They are now providing services to an Iranian oil company. The company was founded in 1986.
The headquarter of the company is in Chennai. The company is into offshore and onshore drilling, construction, power plantations, wind energy, etc. The chairman of the company is Mr. P Murari. This company is considered as a leading shipping company in the country.
14. Dolphin Offshore Enterprises
This company was founded in 1979. This is a leading underwater services provider to oil and gas companies. They undertake turnkey projects and have a diverse portfolio.
Their services are certified to ISO 9001 and by the American Bureau of Shipping. This is one of the best shipping companies in India and the chairman of this company is Rear Admiral Kirpal Singh.
15. Triton Logistics And Maritime
This is part of the Omega shipping group of companies which is considered to be a very reputed group. It provides global services and it is known for its competitive rates.
The Omega Shipping Group was established in 1985 and they have the mission of providing the best services to the clients.
The shipping industry has a lot to contribute to our Indian economy. It has always been a reliable and convenient mode of transport for people and for the movement of goods as well.
But now its entry into the e-commerce market only goes on to prove that it is an indispensable link in the business and can work wonders for it if the right partner is chosen. Just keep the points mentioned in the post above in mind and make your choice carefully.
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