Top 5 Best Camera Apps for Android

Smartphone Manufacturers are competing by throwing high megapixel cameras with features like low-light shot, slow-motion capture, manual ISO and also dual cameras, etc. But often if you want to get more out of your Android camera you have to install third-party apps and that’s where this Top 5 best camera apps for your Android Smartphone come handy.

Best Camera Apps for Android

Top 5 Best Camera Apps for Android

Today in this digital world people are crazy about posting their pictures on social media, they share pics on Instagram, Instagram stories, Facebook, FB stories, etc.

They use to look good and attractive, so nowadays there are tons of free camera apps that make you look good digitally. Out of them, some are paid apps and some are free to use.

1. Candy Camera

Candy camera is the best app for Selfie lovers. This app is developed by JP Brothers INC. It has bunch o filters and effects also feature like stickers, makeup tool is included. It has 4.4 ratings on Google Play store, give it a try while clicking your next selfie. One more thing I want to add my girlfriend is using this app for the last 6 months and she is loving this app.

Best Camera Apps for Android Candy Camera android app reviews

Above you can see some of the reviews of Candy camera app. More than 34,12,824 people showed their interest in reviewing the application, the majority of people have reviewed for 5-star ratings.

Best Camera Apps for Android additional information candy camera app

You can imagine how much people love this Android camera app.

You can Download here :- Candy Camera

2. Camera360

Camera 360 camera app is one of the finest apps to edit selfie photos with funny stickers. This app has over 100M downloads and 4.5 ratings on Play Store. It contains tons of filters and effects. It uses the lens-filter system, that you can do effects on fixtures before snapping.

It also supports different modes like tilt-shift camera and posterizes effect. This app is used by more than 800 million users worldwide.

This app allows you to make 3D funny stickers and motion stickers, you can also use customized anime and cartoon effects.

More than 4,884,630 have rated this app.

You can Download here :- Camera360

3. Camera FV-5

This App is developed by FGAE. Camera FV-5 app gives you all features of the DSLR camera with all Manual control. It includes features that professional photographer uses like Exposure, white balance, ISO, shutter speed, Blur.

It supports JPG, PNG file formats and also offered in 30 languages and free and paid both versions. If you have good knowledge of all that photographic features give it a try.

With the help of a multi-touch pinch gesture, you can do a digital zoom effect. The best part of this application is this App is available in more than 30+ languages.

You will experience autoexposure and auto white balance in this android camera app. With the help of this application, you can also take time-lapse which looks great.

Color combination is out of the box, this app is one of the most recommended apps if you love to shoot and edit your photos, especially for girls.

You can Download here :- Camera360 Camera FV-5

4. Camera MX

The best part of this android application is that it is Free to use. Developed by MAGIX. This is one of the oldest and popular android camera app. It has over 20,000,000 installs.

With the help of this amazing and powerful app, you can edit, click and record videos on the go. Developers of this app are claiming that you can record the next level of videos by using Camera MX.

The app has live shot and a bunch of filters that can be applied after a photo is taken.

Here you get timer delay shots, focus lock, effects, and filters within the app. If you hate shutter sound then you also get an option to stop the camera shutter sound on or off.

One more feature is that it supports GIF, you can create your own GIF. It doesn’t have too many manual controls but features like a slow-motion shot and shoot the past make it up.

You can Download here :- Camera MX

5. Open Camera

I personally love this Android Camera app. Now you will be thinking Why I love this app most among other camera apps?

I like this app because this app supports features which other camera applications don’t for example Last year I purchased one lavalier mic (Boya By M1), after purchasing I was trying to use that mic with my default camera app but, my default camera app does not support this mic.

Then I was in trouble, then I asked online which is the best camera app that supports external mics?

one of my friends responded on Facebook that uses this open camera app, I said okay no problem will use.

I installed this app and changed audio settings to the external mic.


This app supported my mic and my problem solved, from then I became a fan of this camera app.

The best overall app for video and photography. It includes manual ISO, white balance, exposure basically everything you could possibly need. This is a free app with no in-app purchase and completely open-source.

You can Download the Open Camera App here: Open Camera

Author Profile

Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger. It's almost 4.5 years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.

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