160 kva Diesel Generator Price- buy a best DG Set

In the event that you are hoping to purchase a 160 Kva generator, at that point you need to find out about their highlights and preferences to settle on a decent choice. 

Prior to purchasing a 160 Kva generator, it is critical to know its highlights, at exactly that point you will have the option to get the best generator. In this blog, you can discover a few highlights of generators, which will help you in 160 kva diesel generator price– buy the best DG Set. 

Without power, it is unthinkable for everybody these days. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you have a reinforcement generator, at that point you can utilize all your significant gadgets notwithstanding the cut-off force. 

  • At the point when the force goes out 
  • At the point when you need more force 
  • Reinforcement for Special occasion 
  • While fixing your substation 
  • Security Purpose 
  • Open-air gathering or Camping 

160 Kva Generator Engine Features- 

  • Fuel System: Diesel or Gasoline 
  • Lube Oil Capacity (l) – 4.5 
  • Appraised Power (kW)- 31.4 
  • Goal – TC-IC 
  • Cooling Systems – Water Cooled 
  • Cooling System Capacity (l) – 8 
  • Motor Speed (rpm) – 3000 
  • Overseeing – Electronic/Synchronous 
  • No of Cylinders – 3 
  • Removal (l) – 1.2 
  • Pressure Ratio – 17.5 : 1 
  • Fuel Tank Capacity (l) – Approx 75 

160 Kva Generator Technical Features- 

  • RPM – 3000 
  • Force rating (kVA) – 30 
  • Sound Proof Canopy 
  • Fuel Consumption – @ 100% Load (l/hr) 7.5 
  • Naturally Control Panel 
  • Over-burden Alert System 

160 Kva Generator-Alternator Technical Features 

  • Alternator – Brushless 
  • Excitation System – Brushless 
  • Current amps (A) – 30 
  • No. of Bearings – 3 
  • Voltage Regulation : +/ – 5% 
  • Spread with top-notch soundproof metal shade 
  • Protection Class – H 

Control Panel Feature of 160 Kva Generator 

  • Standard Control Panel – Standard 
  • AMF Panel with Double Breaker – Optional 
  • AMF Panel with Single Breaker – Optional 
  • Auto Start Panel with Manual Breaker Closing – Optional 
  • Synchronizing Panel 

160 Kva Generator Set Optional Features 

  • Coolant Heater – Optional 
  • Static Battery Charger – Optional 
  • Alternator Space Heater – Optional 
  • Earth Fault Relays – Optional 
  • Electronic Engine 
  • Electronic Engine – Standard 

In the event that your business is the most liked, the force network you are associated with will run more often than not. Complete force blackout is an uncommon event and is normally brought about by anomalous or unpredictable conditions. This implies they need a generator for your business is additionally uncommon, perhaps close to more than once per year. In this circumstance, leasing a generator when you need it is the best choice contrasted with purchasing and looking after one. Then again, if your business encounters visit power blackouts consistently, having your own generator is the most ideal alternative to make a point to keep your business running regardless of your discontinuous force gracefully. 

Some Major Advantages of Using 160 Kva Generator: 


As we all in all acknowledge diesel is significantly more preservationist than petroleum. This is the explanation the running cost of 160 Kva diesel generator set each hour is significantly lesser than that of an oil Generator. There are in like manner eco-accommodating and can convey more force per liter of diesel than the generators running on some other fuel. 

Low Maintenance cost: 

160 Kva DG Sets usually don’t have any radiance associates their engine. In various kinds of generators, these are the parts that require standard upkeep and replacement of sections. The nonattendance of these in a 160 Kva DG set infers that they require low upkeep and are extraordinarily tussled free. Thusly, by buying a 160 Kva DG set you can get a good deal on a lot of upkeep costs. 

160 Kva Generator Structure: 

The 160 Kva generator sets are proposed to be reliable. Their unpleasant and strong arrangement makes them ideal for action significantly under inconvenient conditions, without needing customary help. 

You can pick a model-dependent upon your necessities and can then successfully get it from the market. 

Low Noise: Soundproof innovation 

160 Kva generator sets are made an immaterial commotion. Generator create to spread the 160 Kva generator by the soundproof sanctuary, with the help of covering we can decrease generator sound level. They are fenced in areas are appended to be soundproof and causes the least vibrations. This makes them condition pleasing and ideal for movement in neighborhood areas. 


A force blackout is an uncommon encounter and is normally brought about by strange or unpredictable circumstances. This implies reinforcement power generator is a significant piece of our life for carrying on with agreeable life. 160 Kva generator is the most ideal alternative for your business and modern force reinforcement needs. 

On the off chance that you need to get a generator on the lease or purchase another generator, you can contact our EO Energy group.

Author Profile

Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger. It's almost 4.5 years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the Dailylist.in. My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.

If You have any query then email Us. dailylist88@gmail.com

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