9 Whatsapp Latest Features

Whatsapp the world’s most used messaging app. there’s no need for the introduction which people are exchange billions of chat messages. Now in the latest update company is providing more Watsapp latest features to the users, which are included Video Calling, Call Back Option Etc…

But WhatsApp isn’t just about textual conversations and media sharing, not anymore. Thanks to continued development, the app now boasts numerous other functionalities.

Want to find out more? Here are 9 relatively new features of WhatsApp.

1. Call Back

Often miss the ‘call back’ feature when making WhatsApp calls? WhatsApp has finally heard you.

With v2.16.189, users get a ‘call back’ option in the app. The feature appears on the app screen after a call is declined.

2. GIF Sharing Support

Sharing images with a group of friends is fun, but sharing animated GIFs is even better. And with WhatsApp, it’s easy to do.

All you have to do is select a GIF saved on your smartphone and send it to the contact/group with whom you’d like to share it. Shared GIFs appear with full animations.

3. GIF Search

You can not only share GIFs on WhatsApp, you can directly find them as well. The app recently started rolling out GIF search support to its beta app on Android.

After the update, users can search for different types of GIFs right within the app itself. The same feature was rolled out to iOS users back in November 2016.

4. Video Calling

Looking for a feature-loaded Skype alternative? WhatsApp is all that you need. The app now supports video-calling functionality that lets you have video chats with your contacts.

To do so, simply open up a WhatsApp conversation with the contact you wish to video call, tap on the call icon on the top right corner and then select the Video Call option.

5. Enhance images with doodles and emojis

Taking a cue from rival Snapchat, WhatsApp now lets you personalize the photos by overlaying emojis or doodling on them before sharing them with others.

All you have to do is take a picture right from the app’s built-in camera interface and these new editing tools will appear on the photo for quick customizations. So go ahead, unleash your creativity.

6. Optimized video-calling feature for India

WhatsApp claims that its video-calling feature is optimized for telecom networks in regions like India.

The company’s vice president of business development Neeraj Arora recently told Economic Times, “How we have built this product is just like voice calls, which is if you have a great network condition – a Wi-Fi or 4G – it will be HD quality, and you start moving to conditions which are not that great, it will be slightly low resolution, we hope it will still work but the quality will go up and down a little depending upon the quality of the network.”

7. Support for 10 Indian languages

WhatsApp can be used in 10 local Indian languages.

Neeraj Arora, its VP of business development, said, “The important thing to note here is a lot of this work has been done by our own users. It’s crowdsourced, a lot of users were passionate about using WhatsApp in their own languages so we gave them a tool to help us translate WhatsApp in their own language.”

8. Share 30 media files at once

Post a recent update, WhatsApp has increased the maximum number of media files that can be shared with other users at one time to 30. Earlier, the maximum number of shareable media files at a time was 10.

The new features are available for Android users on WhatsApp’s beta version 2.17.6 and are expected to be rolled out to everyone soon.

9. ‘Send’ messages even without internet

Apple iPhone users can now ‘send’ WhatsApp messages even in areas of poor or no internet connectivity. The feature, which has already been there in Android smartphones for some time now, was rolled out to iOS devices days ago.

With the update, users get the queue messages feature. This means that users can send messages to an individual or group even when there is not connectivity and the message will be automatically delivered once you get connectivity back on your iPhone (or any iOS device).

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Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger. It's almost 4.5 years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the Dailylist.in. My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.

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