List of 21 High Authority Guest Blogging Sites in India (Paid & free)

List of 21 High Authority Guest Blogging Sites in India (Paid & free):- There’s a big difference between knowing guest posting is a good idea and being able to implement guest blogging as part of your digital strategy.

Maybe you have a mental list of “reach” sites you’d love to guest blog for, but you don’t know how to make it happen. Or maybe you’re just not sure which sites are worth your time.

That’s why I’ve created this guest post site list for some of the best guest blogging sites in India. There are hundreds of sites that you could target, but I’ve only included some of the best ones here.

It’s not a no-brainer getting published on these sites by any means. It takes a lot of work and determination. But if you are producing great work and approaching the right sites with it, you should have a great chance.

(And by the way, here is a guide to guest blogging and reverse engineering your SEO strategy as you do it.)

guest posting sites list

List of 21 High Authority Guest Blogging Sites in India (Paid & free)

1. Copyblogger

Copyblogger is a go-to source for online content marketing education. A huge part of their mission is keeping everything on their site and blog practical, relevant, and written well.

Of course, your writing has to meet and exceed these standards for them to want to post it on their site.

2. CMO

If you’re into digital marketing, then there’s a great chance that you know a thing or two about marketing in general.

In that case, why not write for CMO magazine?

CMO offers insights into the online marketing world not only for executives but also for managers and team members so they can “deliver standout experiences in a digital world.”

Additionally, it’s one of the best sites for guest posting where you can appeal to people in your own niche. This means that you could generate solid leads and boost traffic to your own website.

The website’s content includes interviews, how-to guides, advice from industry leaders, and valuable research. If you believe that you have something to contribute that falls into any of these categories, why not give CMO a shot?

3. Daily List

DailyBlogTips is a top free guest posting site list website that offers Tech And All Types News publishing advice for professionals and beginners.

4. Business Insider

Business Insider covers a lot of different topics including technology and entrepreneurship.

They have also cultivated a reputation for being a reliable resource that people from all industries can turn to for advice.

Make sure that you can offer expert-level advice before trying to submit here.

5. Design Milk

Does your business model have anything to do with art? If so, then consider contributing to Design Milk.

Design Milk is a website dedicated to modern design. It’s not confined to interior decorating, though. It also covers architecture, fashion, travel, and even technology. When you visit their site, you can tell instantly from their modern art-inspired layout that they are a great site to be featured on.

The website itself has been featured in The San Francisco Chronicle and The Los Angeles Times. It’s also on Twitter’s “Who to Follow” list of influencers in Art and Design.


36 of the Best Places to Guest Blog for Marketers (with Contact Info) – INC
36 of the Best Places to Guest Blog for Marketers (with Contact Info) – INC is focused on practical advice, services and tools geared toward small businesses.

You’ll find insightful interviews from industry experts as well as helpful business articles on their website. They even have a print magazine that is widely popular all over the United States.

They offer only very simple guidelines for contributors, but they do accept pitches. If you’re not sure how to pitch this kind of guest post, read my advice for pitching here.

7. Smashing Magazine

Submit a guest blog to Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine is focused on web development and design, and it looks for guest blog posts that are full of useful ideas, techniques, and tips for readers.

Be sure to include actionable insights and practical examples to illustrate your points.

It’s also a great idea to share your stories about mistakes, and things that you’ve learned over time that would have helped you earlier on. Cite support for your arguments and avoid superlatives and over the top language to fit in with Smashing Magazine’s style.

8. TechCrunch

TechCrunch is another excellent option when it comes to guest blogging.

Keep in mind, that TechCrunch pieces usually at least touch upon investment and finance. The publication does seek out guest posts and they describe what they want and their monthly themes in the “Got a tip” section of their site.

You can either pitch a single story or try to become a regular contributor. Realize that one successful pitch and post is probably the easiest way to become a regular contributor, so if that’s your end goal you may be smart to try one post first.

Give them a taste of something wonderful, and it’s likely they’ll want you to continue writing for them.

9. MarketingProfs

MarketingProfs is specifically created for people who work in marketing, so you need to have a lot of insight into this space to succeed with a guest post.

This site accepts both opinion pieces and “how-to” articles and even runs research summaries that distill the most important points from polls, studies, and surveys for readers to quickly consume them. As with mosts sites of this sort, a focus on specific tools, tips, and practical takeaways is ideal.

10. PandaDoc

Write a guest blog for PandaDoc
PandaDoc is a site dedicated to helping people sell stuff. It’s also one of the best sites for guest posting you’ll find online.

The audience of the website includes people who work in marketing, sales, human resources, and finance. So it’s a diverse mix.

Folks at PandaDoc are looking for articles on sales and marketing, automation, and document management. If this is your niche, you should definitely try to guest blog.

11. Medium

If you are into any kind of tech or science, Medium is a great place to guest blog. This site covers everything from neuroscience to cryptocurrency. With over 120 million readers, you will have a good chance of driving traffic to your site.

12. ShoutMeLoud

ShoutMeLoud focuses on online marketing tips, online money-making techniques, and other practical advice for Internet success.

13. WebAndDesigners

WebAndDesigners exists as a crowdsourcing forum for web developers, designers, and people whose work touches on these issues; the ideas sourced focus on problem-solving and resource sharing.

14. ReadWrite

ReadWrite provides tech news and insights useful to entrepreneurs.

Some of the categories on this site include artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, connected services, startups, smart cities, etc. It even has advice on how to utilize remote workers to push your business forward.


HarshitSinghal is a PR2 blog that offers information about search engines, traffic building techniques, and related issues.

It also covers tech news, gaming, mobile, telecom, software, computers, etc.

16. iTech Engine

Submit a guest post to iTech Engine
iTech Engine is a technology blog that deals with computer tips and tricks, hacking tricks, Windows and macOS tricks and tutorials, free application reviews, registry tweaks, Ubuntu tips, and related topics.


Inkwell Editorial is designed to provide advice on starting and building a business as a freelance writer.

It contains helpful articles about how to juggle clients and projects, SEO tactics, and more. If you think you have something to contribute to these topics, you can explore the link below.

18. Basic Blog Tips

Basic Blog Tips offers blogging tips, how-tos, and videos on social media and other kinds of training. It also features other blog building advice that can be very useful to beginners.

19. ShoutMeTech

36 of the Best Places to Guest Blog for Marketers (with Contact Info) – ShoutMeTech

ShoutMeTech focuses on technology tips that are quick and easy to follow. There is a particular emphasis on apps and hacks for easier everyday use.

20. Social Media Examiner

36 of the Best Places to Guest Blog for Marketers (with Contact Info) – Social Media Examiner
36 of the Best Places to Guest Blog for Marketers (with Contact Info)- Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner is picky with guest posts, and why not?

They only produce thoroughly researched, detailed work that is written well, and they don’t intend to have guest posts diluting this reputation they now enjoy.

So if you do submit here, be patient and understand that if you’re not well known to them you’ll need to prove your writing abilities and subject matter expertise.

21. Readree – Your Techspot

This is site is another tech related website for provide paid and free guest posting on blog. t contains helpful articles about how to juggle clients and projects, SEO tactics, and more. If you think you have something to contribute to these topics, you can explore the link below.

Author Profile

Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger. It's almost 4.5 years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.

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