Top 10 Real Gun Shooting Ranges in Delhi NCR, India

Delhi, the capital city of India, is known for its rich history, culture, and vibrant atmosphere. However, hidden among its bustling streets and historical monuments are some exceptional shooting ranges that cater to both professional shooters and enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned marksman looking to hone your skills or a beginner eager to experience the thrill of firing real guns, Delhi has several top-notch shooting ranges to offer. In this article, we will explore the top 10 real gun shooting ranges in Delhi.

Real Gun Shooting Ranges in Delhi

List of Top 10 Real Gun Shooting Ranges in Delhi NCR, India

  • 1. Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range
  • 2. Delhi State Rifle Association (DSRA)
  • 3. Gun for Glory Shooting Academy
  • 4. National Security Guard (NSG) Shooting Range
  • 5. Peacock Lake Shooting Range
  • 6. Imperial Shooting Academy
  • 7. Delhi Police Training Range
  • 8. Indian Military Academy Shooting Range
  • 9. Delhi Police Sports Complex Shooting Range
  • 10. Noida Shooting Club

1. Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range

The Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range, located in Tughlaqabad, is one of the most prestigious shooting facilities in India. It has hosted numerous national and international shooting events, including the 2010 Commonwealth Games. The range offers various shooting disciplines, including pistol and rifle shooting, and provides world-class equipment and coaching for aspiring shooters. With its state-of-the-art facilities and excellent coaching staff, it’s the ideal place to nurture your shooting talent.

2. Delhi State Rifle Association (DSRA)

DSRA, situated in Chanakyapuri, is another prominent shooting range in Delhi. It caters to both beginners and experienced shooters, offering training in different shooting disciplines. The range is well-maintained, and the coaching staff is highly experienced. DSRA also conducts regular competitions, making it a perfect place for those aiming to compete at the state or national level.

3. Gun for Glory Shooting Academy

Gun for Glory is a renowned shooting academy with a branch in Delhi, located in Nehru Place. It was founded by Olympic medalist Gagan Narang and has quickly become a hub for aspiring shooters. The academy provides world-class coaching and modern facilities, making it an excellent choice for those looking to take their shooting skills to the next level. With its focus on nurturing young talent, Gun for Glory has produced several promising shooters who have represented India at international competitions.

4. National Security Guard (NSG) Shooting Range

The NSG Shooting Range, located in Manesar, Haryana, is easily accessible from Delhi. While it primarily serves the needs of NSG personnel, it also opens its doors to civilians. The range offers a unique opportunity to experience shooting with real guns and professional guidance. The experienced instructors at NSG Shooting Range ensure safety while providing an authentic shooting experience.

5. Peacock Lake Shooting Range

Situated in Sanjay Lake Park, Mayur Vihar, Peacock Lake Shooting Range is a popular choice for shooting enthusiasts in East Delhi. It offers a serene environment, making it an excellent spot for recreational shooting. The range primarily focuses on air rifle and air pistol shooting, making it suitable for beginners and those looking for a relaxed shooting experience.

6. Imperial Shooting Academy

Imperial Shooting Academy, located in Chattarpur, is a relatively new addition to Delhi’s shooting scene but has quickly gained recognition for its quality facilities and coaching. It offers a range of shooting disciplines and provides comprehensive training for beginners and advanced shooters alike. The academy is committed to promoting the sport of shooting and nurturing young talent.

7. Delhi Police Training Range

The Delhi Police Training Range, located in Jharoda Kalan, is open to the public and offers a safe and controlled environment for shooting practice. While it primarily caters to the training needs of the Delhi Police, it also welcomes civilians interested in learning or improving their shooting skills. The range is equipped with modern facilities and provides experienced instructors to guide shooters.

8. Indian Military Academy Shooting Range

Located in Gurgaon, the Indian Military Academy Shooting Range is one of the most picturesque shooting ranges in the Delhi-NCR region. It offers a wide range of shooting disciplines and provides training for civilians as well as military personnel. The lush green surroundings and well-maintained facilities make it a pleasant place to hone your shooting skills.

9. Delhi Police Sports Complex Shooting Range

The Delhi Police Sports Complex in Model Town offers a shooting range that is accessible to the public. It provides training in various shooting disciplines, including rifle and pistol shooting. The range is equipped with modern equipment and has certified instructors to guide shooters of all levels.

10. Noida Shooting Club

While technically not in Delhi but in the nearby city of Noida, the Noida Shooting Club is a popular choice for shooting enthusiasts in the National Capital Region (NCR). The club offers state-of-the-art facilities and training in different shooting disciplines. It is a great place for individuals and families looking to experience the thrill of shooting in a safe and controlled environment.


Delhi offers a diverse range of shooting experiences for enthusiasts and aspiring marksmen. Whether you’re a beginner looking to try your hand at shooting or an experienced shooter aiming to sharpen your skills, these top 10 real gun shooting ranges in Delhi have something to offer everyone. From world-class facilities to experienced coaches, these ranges provide the perfect environment to explore the art of shooting and perhaps even pursue it as a serious sport. Remember, safety is paramount in shooting, so always follow the rules and guidelines set by each range to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

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Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger. It's almost 4.5 years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.

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