6 Thanksgiving Treats Your Pets Will Love

Pumpkin pie and roast turkey are some of the delicious foods we look forward to on Thanksgiving. When planning your feast, you may miss out on cooking a thanksgiving for your pets. It is understandable for pet owners to feed their pets with regular meals. But Thanksgiving is a celebratory occasion for all. Selection of Dog Grooming Tools is necessary to make your pet festive ready.

Thanksgiving Treats Your Pets Will Love
Some ingredients in salted and sweet edibles are not favorable for dogs and cats. Herbs and seasonings like garlic and onion to raisins, grapes, chocolate, and alcohol may not suit your pets’ digestive tract. Luckily, some Thanksgiving foods are safe for your pet’s consumption and appetite. Here are some pet friendly foods you can feed your dog during the Thanksgiving holidays.

6 Thanksgiving Treats Your Pets Will Love

1. Turkey Breast

Turkey Breast

It is tempting to offer your furry friend some meat on Thanksgiving. But can dogs eat turkey? Well, turkey is a common ingredient in most commercial dog foods. It is also rich in protein, riboflavin, and phosphorus and provides mineral support to our canine friends.
A small amount of turkey breast is suitable for your pets on Thanksgiving, as long as they don’t have a food allergy problem. When filling up feeders and bowls with holiday treats, avoid adding fatty snacks like turkey skin or gravy, as this can inflame your pet’s pancreas and cause pancreatitis.
Avoid feeding your dogs with bones as they are sharp and can cause gastrointestinal problems. Try non-toxic rubber chew toys or a key ringbone for teething puppies.

2. Vegetables And Fruits

Vegetables And Fruits

If you want to give your pets the gift of good health for Thanksgiving, feed them with vegetables and fruits. A green diet comprising broccoli, celery, and cauliflower will provide your pet health and physical endurance. You can add some carrots, green beans, and sweet potatoes to your pet’s diet bowl.
Vegetables covered in gravy, butter, or anything greasy may affect your pet’s wellbeing. Consider giving your pets low-calorie and high-fiber foods to avoid making them feel full. Oranges will boost vitamin C in your four-legged creatures. Never give your pets marshmallows containing xylitol artificial sweetener. It can be dangerous for them as it can cause intestinal blockage.

3. Pumpkin


Pumpkin is a superfood for pets. It helps regulate your dogs’ digestive tract and is helpful after a Thanksgiving feast that may contain foods your furry animal doesn’t eat regularly. You can serve pumpkin to your pets in steamed, baked, or canned forms.

A pumpkin slice has vitamins A, C, and E and iron and potassium minerals. Canned pumpkin enhances your pet’s nutrition because of its high soluble fiber content. It also reduces the occurrence of diarrhea in dogs as it adds bulk to their stool. Pumpkin also helps to lessen the acidity level in your dog’s bowels.

4. Salmon Fish

Salmon Fish

Salmon is good for humans and pets. It is a substantial source of omega-3 fatty acids and supports the immune system. Feeding your pets with a salmon meal helps reduce body inflammation. It can also keep your dog’s coat shiny and healthy.
Feeding with moderation is the key to keeping your canine companion happy and healthy. Limit the salmon diet for your pet to once a week. Keep the salmon intake proportional to your dog’s size. You may serve up to 10g of salmon if your pet size is around 450g. Make sure the lip-smacking salmon treat for your pet is freshly prepared, boneless, and in small portions.

5. Bread


Standard wheat bread is safe for dogs’ consumption as long as it is baked appropriately. A baked bread loaf is full of carbohydrates which can give your pooch plenty of energy. Keep unbaked bread out of your pets’ reach. The yeast and sugar in it can lead to carbon dioxide and ethanol formation in your dog’s belly, which can cause low blood sugar, bloating, discomfort, and other gastric troubles like diarrhea, vomiting.
When feeding your pet with a bread loaf, avoid bread containing chocolate chips, raisins, nuts, onions, or garlic. Beware of serving dessert bread to your pets, as it can cause vomiting in your pets. Instead of fulfilling your pet’s bread fancy, opt for a bland diet to soothe your pup’s stomach.

6. Cheese


Dogs and cats get lactose-intolerant with time. It means they cannot digest the lactose sugar content in milk. As a result, they suffer from gas, bloating, or diarrhea after consuming dairy products.
Since dogs love cheese but cannot get high compatibility with this dairy product, ideally, feed your furry friends with cheese treats in moderation. Cheese is also fattening, so limit its use in your pets’ Thanksgiving treat.

The Bottom Line

Feed your pets on Thanksgiving in moderation. Excess of sweet or salted meals can lead to indigestion and gastric problems in your pets. Talk to your veterinarian about the permissible foods in your pet’s diet, especially if your pet has a pre-existing health condition.
Your pets can also get into holiday anxiety and may not put up their best behavior on holidays. Help your pets feel at ease during holiday gatherings.

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Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger. It's almost 4.5 years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the Dailylist.in. My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.

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