You Never Thought How Easy it is to Close Bank Account!

When we go to any bank and tell them that we want to open a bank account. The response we get from the bank is very good.

Even the process of opening a new bank account is easy in any of the banks.

But what if you are closing a bank account?

Will it be as easy as opening the account?

But I will make the process of closing your account very easy. Just read this full webpage and you will find how easy it is to close the bank account which you don’t use anymore.

No matter which bank of the world you have your bank account. Every bank needs customers and when a customer is breaking up their banking relationship with them.

Then they feel down and don’t co-operate too much with you in this matter of closing the bank account.

So you should know everything which is involved in the process of closing the bank account.

Open a New Bank Account

Go and find a bank which is you feel is fine for you. Once you find the right bank for you. Approach the bank and open a new bank account with them. You have to open a new bank account only if you have only 1 bank account in your previous bank. If you already have multiple bank accounts then there is no need to open a new bank account. Ask for an account opening form. You can refer to this template for more information.

Transfer your Balance to New Bank Account

Next, you have to transfer all your balances in your previous bank account to a new bank account. You can use any mode of money transfer to transfer the money. Even the bank can do this along with the process of closing the account. But they will charge you a hefty amount for the last transfer they will be doing for you.

Visit the Branch of the Bank

Now the real process of closing the bank account starts. You have to visit the branch of your bank. It is recommended that you visit the branch where you had opened the bank account. It is not like you can not close your account from another branch. You can do it but still, it is recommended to visit the branch from where you usually do your banking transactions.

Ask for a Bank Account Closure Form

There is a special application form which is designed by the bank for those customers who are willing to close the bank account. You have to fill this form to close your bank account. Once you are into the branch of the bank ask for an account closure form. Fill this form with the information like your name, your account number, permanent address, and the reason why you are closing the bank account.

After filling the form you have to make sure that you have filled the right details in the form. If you have filled the wrong details then your form to close the account will be rejected. If you find any wrong information then you will have to take steps to correct the details. And in case you find multiple mistakes then you can ask for a new form and fill it again with the correct details.

The Last Step: Submit the Form

You have done almost everything you need to close the bank account. Now you have to submit the form to the bank. As soon as you submit the bank account closing form, the bank will start the process to close your bank account. But you should keep one thing in your mind. And that is once the process of closing your bank account you can not use the account anymore.

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Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Hi I am Karan a passionate blogger. It's almost 4.5 years when I started blog writing in 2019. I am the owner of the My dedication to delivering reliable information and useful tips has earned him a loyal following among tech enthusiasts seeking reliable insights and recommendations.

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